#page-content {max-width: 1920px !important;} COS-OCS: Carbonyl Sulfide: New ways of Observing the Climate System | COS-OCS | Maarten Krol

COS-OCS:   Carbonyl Sulfide: New ways of Observing the Climate System

The COS-OCS project was funded through the ERC-advanced funding scheme (AdG 2016 Project Number: 742798, Project Acronym: COS-OCS). From the ERC press-release:

The future climate of the Earth strongly depends on the capacity of the global ecological system to sequester atmospheric CO₂, and on the abundance of stratospheric sulphate aerosols (SSA). These aerosols form a layer that resides at about 16 km altitude that, contrary to CO₂, has a cooling effect on the climate. These two climate-regulating mechanisms are intricately linked to an atmospheric gas that makes up only a tiny fraction of the Earth's atmosphere, carbonyl sulphide (COS).  Maarten Krol from Wageningen University aims to fundamentally improve our limited understanding of the COS atmospheric budget which would therefore signal a major step forward in our ability to diagnose CO₂ uptake and SSA formation. The project also combines innovative modelling and measurements that will eventually allow breakthroughs in the coupled COS and CO₂ budgets, and unlock the potential of COS as a new climate diagnostic.

© Maarten Krol 2022; This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 742798